PALSGAARD ® CREAMWHIP The secret behind successful imitation whipping creams The perfect balance Stability versus whipping properties represents a key compromise for manufacturers of UHT whipping creams. Years of dedicated work and development in the production of emulsifier / stabiliser solutions for UHT whipping creams has led to Palsgaard becoming one of the preferred suppliers for this application area. Whether you are searching for solutions for the production of UHT whipping creams based on vegetable or dairy fat, with a soft or a more firm foam, or if the goal is to make a vegan UHT whipping cream entirely without proteins, then Palsgaard ® CreamWhip is the solution. Palsgaard ® CremWhip benefits Palsgaard ® CreamWhip can help you achieve the desired: • Overrun • Foam stability • Mouthfeel • Piping definition
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