GRI content index – material topics Topic Disclosure Disclosure description Page, comment or omission UNGC principle GRI 200 Standard: Economic Series 2016 GRI 201 Economic performance 103-1 103-2 103-3 201-1 201-2 201-3 201-4 GRI 202 103-1 Market Presence 103-2 103-3 202-1 202-2 GRI 203 Indirect economic impacts 103-1 103-2 103-3 203-1 203-2 FP1 FP2 GRI 204 Procurement Practices 103-1 103-2 103-3 204-1 GRI 205 Anti-Corruption GRI 206 Anti-competitive behaviour 103-1 103-2 103-3 205-1 205-2 205-3 103-1 103-2 103-3 206-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Page 6 The management approach and its components Pages 12-13 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 12-13 Direct economic value generated and distributed Turnover 2018 (DKK): 1.4 billion Effective tax rate: 33.2% (tax being paid where it is earned) Jobs provided: 536 Financial implications and other risks and opportuni- Page 16 ties due to climate change Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement Pages 20-21 plans Financial assistance received from government 10 years tax-free scheme in Malaysia. Taxable income reduced by 1.5% of R&D grants in 2018 in Denmark. Financial assistance from Export Credit Agencies was DKK 200,000 (2017-2018) in Denmark Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Pages 20-21. Significant locations of operation page 7. Local refers to the 1 communities surrounding the areas in which we operate. Our definition of senior management refers to CEOs and managers of subsidiaries The management approach and its components Pages 20-21 1 Evaluation of the management approach Page 21. Figure 7: Turnover rate 1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage We ensure that all employees & workers are paid at or above the minimum 1 wage, according to local legislation Proportion of senior management hired from the The majority of senior management in our subsidiaries are local, 1 local community except for Malaysia, Russia and China, since mid-2018 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Pages 10-11 1 The management approach and its components Pages 12-13 1 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 12-13 1 Infrastructure investments and services supported Pages 22-23 1 Commercial investment in technology in Malaysia and Brazil. New application laboratories in China and Russia, increasing our number of distributors worldwide and a new factory in Mexico is in process Significant indirect economic impacts Using RSPO-certified palm oil improves social conditions and reduces environmental impact locally. Investments in production sites in Malaysia, Mexico and Brazil have positive impacts on job creation and activity in the respective countries % of purchased volume from suppliers compliant with Pages 12, 15 1 company's sourcing policy 88% of suppliers of direct materials have been evaluated through our Responsible Sourcing Programme. 95% of suppliers of indirect products and services have signed our Supplier Code of Conduct % of purchased volume verified to be in accordance with responsible standards, by standard Pages 13, 19 1 100% of products are manufactured at FSSC 22000-certified sites and are available as RSPO SG-certified. 100% of the palm oil used for production of food ingredients in Denmark is RSPO SG-certified. All sites comply with Sedex 4-pillar SMETA audit Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Pages 10-11, 14 1, 10 Significant locations of operation page 7. Local refers to the communities surrounding the areas in which we operate (RSPO) The management approach and its components Pages 12-14 1, 10 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 12-13 1, 10 Proportion of spending on local suppliers No defined spending. Local palm oil growers are supported via RSPO when 1, 10 they are members of RSPO. Our Malaysia plant uses locally produced palm oil and we hire local workers for all subsidiaries. 100% of products based on palm oil is available as RSPO SG-certified Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Pages 12-14 1, 10 The management approach and its components Pages 12-13 1, 10 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 12-13 1, 10 Operations assessed for corruption risks Pages 12-13 1, 10 Communication and training Pages 12-13 1, 10 Incidents of corruption and actions taken No incidents in 2018 1, 10 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundaries Pages 12-13 1 The management approach and its components Pages 12-13 1 Evaluation of the management approach Pages 12-13 1 Anti-competitive behaviour Pages 12-13 1 No legal actions in 2018 30
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