Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 – great whipping properties " Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 improves the whipping properties of the protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream resulting in a stable, short whipping time giving a high overrun” Whipping properties Today's modern and efficient bakeries and pastry shops require a reliable whipping cream with similar whipping properties every time as they are handling more tasks at the same time. Producing protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream based on Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 ensures improved whipping properties such as whipping time and overrun. At the same time Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 is developed to give a relatively firm foam to the whipped cream. As illustrated in figure 1 the force used to press down the foam of a protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream produced with Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 is relatively high. When adjusting the formulation of the protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream, Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 can provide a different firmness of the foam. All preferences will be met using the same product! Figure 2: Firmness of whipped protein free UHT vegetable whipping cream produced with Figure 1: Firmness of whipped protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream ® Palsgaard CreamWhip 453 453 ® CreamWhip produced with Palsgaard Overrun Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 is excellent at facilitating the incorporation of air into the protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream. This helps provide a higher overrun and a faster whipping time of the whipped cream than seen in many conventional UHT whipping creams. Figure 2 shows the whipping time and overrun of a protein-free UHT vegetable whipping cream produced with Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 vs. a traditional UHT vegetable whipping cream produced with a conventional emulsifier and stabilizer solution – both with 25% fat. Both products are whipped first three minutes at speed II and subsequently at speed III in a Hobart N50CE. As illustrated the maximum overrun of the foam using Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 is reached after only 20 seconds whipping at speed III, which is two times faster than when using the conventional solution. Figure 2: Overrun and whipping time of UHT vegetable whipping cream Figure 4: Overrun produced with Palsgaard® CreamWhip 453 vs. a conventional solution 300 200 Force (g) 100 0 2 - 100 - 200 Analysed in a TaXT2 texture analyser. 260 240 Overrun (%) 220 200 180 160 140 0 Down pressure (mm/sec.) Whipped in a Hobart N50CE mixer. Palsgaard ® CreamWhip 453 Standard solution 4 6 8 10 12 15 30 45 Time at speed III (sec.)
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