"Unique" Palsgaard ® PGPR 4150 – the "soft" facts Palsgaard achieves a neutral taste and odour by carefully optimizing and controlling all relevant steps from harvest of raw materials through special processing to the packaging and distribution of the finished goods. No off-flavours As can been seen in the picture on the top of this page, Palsgaard® PGPR 4150 is completely transparent and clear in appearance. Further, and this can only be experienced by smelling samples of PGPRs from different suppliers, it is completely free from off-flavours and unplesant castor oil smell. Double shelf-life Castor oil has a characteristic taste and smell depending on the specific source. As this special oil is the main ingredient source used in the production of PGPR, it is of highest importance to have perfect control of the different processing steps in order to avoid the bad smell and offflavour usually associated with castor oil and therefore with many PGPRs. This important quality secures the chocolate manufacturer a chocolate without the typical off-taste of castor oil. Especially important in that respect are chocolates with low quantities of cocoa liquor for example milk and white chocolate. Another important situation is when chocolates are developed for critical consumers who are organoleptically advanced including a high sensitivity to possible off-flavours. Palsgaard achieves a neutral taste and odour by carefully optimizing and controlling all relevant steps from harvest of raw materials through special processing to the packaging and distribution of the finished goods. One example is our development of a special odour cleaning step, critical in the production of Palsgaard® PGPR 4150. 1 metric tonne of PGPR added to chocolate will typically lead to 500 metric tonnes of finished chocolate. This means that PGPR with off-flavour can easily have a negative impact on large quantities of chocolate. These problems are avoided by choosing flavour neutral Palsgaard PGPR 4150. ® Our unique approach guarantees the neutral taste and odour in Palsgaard® PGPR 4150. Due to our special set-up, Palsgaard can guarantee double shelflife of our products. The shelf-life of Palsgaard® PGPR 4150 is minimum 24 months – the longest in the market.
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