Fulfilling consumer demands However, to fulfil the consumer’s demand for leaner label products Palsgaard has developed a new range of emulsifier and stabilizer systems for ice cream. Emulsifier and stabilizer blends for ice cream traditionally contain at least 3 e-numbers but 4 or 5 e-numbers are very common. As each added ingredient in the blend has a specific functionality, removal of any of the ingredients influences the ice cream quality. Palsgaard has, however, succeeded in developing new blends with 2 or even down to 1 e-number while still obtaining high scores on the important quality parameters mentioned above e.g. sensory properties, stand up properties, melt down properties and storage stability. In the development process ice creams with the following composition were made: Palsgaard® ExtruIce 302 and Palsgaard® ExtruIce 303 Some examples of the new lean label Palsgaard emulsifier/ Table 1: Ice cream composition Vegetable fat Skim milk powder Whey powder concentrate, 30 % protein Sugar Glucose syrup, 42DE Palsgaard® emulsifier/stabilizer 10 % 5.7 % 5.7 % 11.5 % 3.35 % 0.5 % Normal process conditions were applied, i.e. pasteurisation, homogenizaton, cooling and ageing followed by freezing. Heat shock stability was tested by exposure of the ice cream to -10°C for 4 days. stabilizer blends are given below. Palsgaard® ExtruIce 302 and Palsgaard® ExtruIce 303 both have 2 e-numbers in its declaration. Palsgaard® ExtruIce 302 is declared as mono- and diglycerides E - 471 and tara gum E - 417. By using Palsgaard® ExtruIce 302, a warm, creamy ice cream with excellent stand up properties, heat shock stability and melt down is obtained. Palsgaard Technical Paper - June 2010 Lean label ice cream 3
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