It is possible to create recipes that perform just as well as, or at least comparably to the performance of a trans fat-containing formulation. Cake margarines, for example, which use fast-crystallizing fat types such as palm oil or coconut oil fat, have nothing to be gained by adding crystallizers. But with cheaper fat types, small amounts of crystallizers can make a significant difference. Manufacturers will need to take a look at their equipment line-up, too. Up-to-date machinery may not need crystallizers at all. But most likely, older machinery won’t be enough to maintain current capacity and product quality on the new, trans-fat-free playing field – at least, not without applying crystallizer dosages as high as 2%. However, even after an upgrade to more modern equipment, 0.5% to 1% crystallizer content may still add benefits. MAKING THE MOST OF IT Palsgaard is busy helping its customers work their way through the hurdles to arrive at a roadmap for process, recipe and equipment adaptations. And we have all the equipment needed to play with every production parameter, taking samples at many different points and conducting trials that simply wouldn’t be feasible in a live production environment. 1 American Journal of Epidemiology. 2005 Apr 1;161(7):672-9. Dietary fat intake and risk of coronary heart disease in women: 20 years of follow-up of the nurses’ health study. Oh K1, Hu FB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Figure 5: Puff pastry baking tests ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anders Mølbak Jensen, is Product & Application Manager, Lipid & Fine Foods Palsgaard A/S. He can be reached at am@ or +45 7682 7682. Before joining the company 16 years ago, he held various roles as a laboratory, quality control and R&D manager at a large margarine producer for 10 years. He holds an M.Sc in food science and technology from the University of Copenhagen and a Bachelor of Commerce, IT. His email is am@palsgaard. dk. Get more info at
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