little oil to prevent lumping and are added to the water phase before the oil is sucked into the homogenisation machine. However, when making a low fat mayonnaise according to the above recipes, the oil content is so low that it cannot be mixed with Palsgaard® 3-6-9. Therefore, it is necessary to suck the stabilizer blend into the water. However, the best results are obtained when the water is added together with the egg yolk and the oil sucked in subsequently. Following the formation of the emulsion the remaining dry ingredients are added. Optimum results are obtained if they are mixed together to prevent lumping, but it is also possible to add them separately. Finally, vinegar and acids are added. If the dry ingredients are added before the oil is emulsified into the mayonnaise, the thickening of the water phase will start and will increase the viscosity; thereby the oil drops will not be as small as if the oil was emulsified into a water phase with low viscosity. The result will be a low fat or a fat reduced mayonnaise which is more unstable and less creamy. Conclusion Developing low fat or reduced fat mayonnaises has some challenges. With the right composition of water binding ingredients Palsgaard® 3-6-9 is able to meet the challenge of texture and viscosity. Palsgaard® 3-6-9 will provide the same viscosity and creaminess as a mayonnaise with a much higher fat content. Reference sample - standard 61 % fat mayonnaise Mayonnaise with 3 % fat made with Palsgaard® 3-6-9 Mayonnaise with 6 % fat made with Palsgaard® 3-6-9 Mayonnaise with 9 % fat made with Palsgaard® 3-6-9 200 150 100 Shear stress 50 0 -50 0 20 40 Shear rate 60 80 100 Figure 3: A flow curve is a rheological measurement to characterize products. The principle is that the shear (mechanical treatment) is increased and after a holding time it is reduced again. By calculating the area between the up ramp and down ramp you can see how much viscosity/texture that is broken down. The mechanical action is illustrating the treatment a mayonnaise will have after production. It could be pumping, mixing in other ingredients or squeezing it out of a bottle. All these treatments will have an influence on the end product. For further information on the abilities of Palsgaard® 3-6-9, please contact Product Manager Anders Mølbak Jensen at am@ or +45 7682 7682. Palsgaard Technical Paper - August 2010 How to make a low or a fat reduced mayonnaise 4
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