By Peter Poulsen, International Sales Manager Bakery & Confectionery. Palsgaard A/S. Many chocolate manufacturers find themselves forced to develop new supply strategies to source enough non-GMO lecithin. Some are turning towards sourcing their needs of IP soy lecithin increasingly from India and less from Brazil. Alternatively, some source sunflower or rape seed lecithin. All of the mentioned options still do not offer a safe supply of non-GMO lecithin. Palsgaard® AMP 4448 - an Ammonium Phosphatide, offers a safe supply. Since Palsgaard® AMP 4448 is based on non-GMO, non-hydrogenated rape seed oil that is an easily accessible raw material, a safe and reliable supply can be guaranteed by Palsgaard. In this article we present 4 major benefits and 4 additional advantages 1. Safe supply – also in future In the case where it is not possible to source the needed lecithin, it could mean that the chocolate manufacturer would have to adjust the total fat content in the chocolate e.g. from 32 % to 36%. Making this recipe adjustment would mean substantial increases in the final chocolate recipe cost. Palsgaard® AMP 4448 is based on non-GMO, non-hydrogenated rape seed oil, meaning it is an all vegetable product. The rape seed oil is only sourced from restricted areas in the EU, where the nonGMO status is guaranteed. The good availability of rape seed oil means that Palsgaard can offer a safe supply of Palsgaard® AMP 4448. Palsgaard® AMP 4448 can be manufactured using any edible vegetable oil or fat base. This guarantees that Palsgaard can maintain a safe supply and guarantee the non-GMO status of Palsgaard® AMP 4448 – also in the future. 2. Potential savings of up to 4% fat Both lecithin and Palsgaard® AMP 4448 have an impact on the plastic viscosity and the yield value. Plastic viscosity is the value that can be defined as the force required to keeping a constant flow of the chocolate, while the yield value can be defined as the energy input needed to initiate/start flow of the chocolate. In chocolate production both values needs to be controlled in order to produce chocolate batches which always meet the required specifications. Palsgaard® AMP 4448 outperforms lecithin on both plastic viscosity and yield value, meaning that the chocolate manufacturer can reduce the total fat content and thereby the recipe cost when using Palsgaard® AMP 4448. Palsgaard Technical Paper, May 2011 Palsgaard® AMP 4448 - The safe ingredient choice 2
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